During World War 1, Congress developed a new system for veteran benefits. This included disability compensation, Active Duty and Veteran insurance programs as well as rehab programs for disabled vets. It is without a doubt that the VA has improved the quality of life for all veterans, but most people don’t see the significant efforts the VA has made to improve the lives of homeless veterans. In 2010, the Annual Homeless Assessment Reported an estimate of 144,842 veterans were homeless in 2010. Of that, 98 percent were single with no immediate family, 52% of the total homeless veterans were Caucasian males. While, 51 percent were disabled. Fast forward a few years, there are 442,723 homeless adults in 2014, about 11.3 percent are veterans. This is about a 35 percent decrease from the reported 2010 numbers. The homeless rate has decreased significantly in just four short years. The VA is working to improve the quality of life of America’s homeless vets and lower the threat of veterans becoming homeless by offering homeless veteran focused programs, from housing assistance, to health care, to employment …show more content…
One of which being the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and VA Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH). HUD-VASH is a program designed to help “the neediest, most vulnerable homeless Veterans and their immediate families.” (HUD-VASH Resource Guide 11). The VA works with HUD to find permanent housing for homeless veterans. While HUD provides a selection of affordable, stable houses from its “Housing Choice” program for the veteran to choose from the VA provides case management and prove their eligibility. The case management studies also provide an oversight of the veterans mental and physical health. While in the HUD-VASH program, veterans receive a number of services from mental health and substance abuse treatment, to income assistance, to employment