There has been a very large increase of homeless people in America the last couple of years. Where the biggest population issue of the homeless are in the metro areas much like Denver, Los Angeles, Miami and other large cities, but it's still a problem throughout the whole country. Unfortunately, people who disagree with helping the homeless, belive its a waste of time and they’re a waste of space, people stereotype all homeless as drunks and drug users. All they want is for the homeless to be gone doesn't matter how they get rid of them as long as they're not there anymore. But people don't understand most of the time the homeless don't have a choice and this is their life. However, helping the homeless people will …show more content…
With that being said it has put so many people out of a home, “thousands of people are on waiting lists for treatment and housing in both family and single adult programs” (ARGUMENTS). Since these prices have gone up people are not able to make rent and sadly most of them do not have insurance/ medical care. “15 % of people don't have health insurance” (Louise). Unfortunately, by not being able to pay for rent it will result in bad credit score. Which can mean if people try to rent or buy another house they can decline people because they don't trust that people can make the payments. Also, a lot of people get “decline in public assistance” (Louise) which is the government benefits provide to the needy, usually in the form of cash and voucher much like welfare. With that being said minimum wage is not enough to support a family or pay any bills. “Minimum wage is required to afford a one or two bedroom apartment” (Louise), and that with not having extra money to spend no going out, people have to budget mostly of their money just for bills and maybe some groceries and people do not live comfortable with just minimum wage. With the the new law being passed starting in 2020 the minimum wage will slowly increase to 12$ hour and even though that's still a low income it's a start of a better change. These are the little changes that will make a huge difference in the future. A lot of …show more content…
There are so many different possibilities that people can help the homeless by starting off with providing treatment for the mentally ill and possibly volunteering time out of the day to work with these people and help them function in society. Then people can help the panhandlers with providing them jobs so they don't have to beg for money they don't have to lose their self respect by having to beg to stand on the corner. People can also help with providing homes for the homeless give the shelter, volunteer to give them a makeover so they seem presentable if they want to apply for a job. People can offer programs to start getting the homeless involved with the communities and so when people find a way to decrease the homelessness in america they’ll know what to expect in the future.There is endless possibilities on how people can help and provide the little thing just to make denver cleaner and people happy. If people don't start taking action now the homeless population will keep increasing and it will just get harder and harder to help the homeless. So, people need to step up and realize that if people start helping now the streets will get cleaner and safer, people don't have to be afraid to go downtown or be scared of the homeless people. The homeless want help but americans need to provide it and then the homeless population