Strategic management supply overall direction to the entire enterprise. An organization’s strategy should be suitable for its resources, situations, and objectives. The process takes in consideration to join the companies’ strategic advantages to the business environment the organization faces. The important objective of an overall strategy is to make the organization into a position to do its mission effectively and efficiently. A best corporate strategy must include an organization’s goals, policies, and tactics into a cohesive whole.
Strategic management can be considered as combination of strategy formulation and strategy implementation.
1) Strategy formulation: first Doing a situation analysis, both internal and external and both micro-environmental and macro-environmental. Secondly, alongside with this assessment, targets are set. This includes crafting vision statements (long term), mission statements (medium term), overall corporate objectives (both financial and strategic), strategic business unit objectives (both financial and strategic), and tactical objectives. Finally, these objectives have to, in the light of the situation analysis, propose a strategic plan. The plan gives details about how to reach these goals.
This three-point strategy formation process determines where you are now, where you want to go, and then how to get there. These three questions are the basics of strategic planning.
2) Strategy implementation is affectation of adequate resources (financial, personnel, time, and computer system support), developing a chain of command or some alternative