I wondered how it was possible that my mother had never learned that lesson that I had just learned so painfully and so easily. And I am trying to remember all the time she told me to lie for her. One example would it be when somebody calls and she does not want to answer, even though it is a “white lie” like my mother says I never felt good about saying lies. By the fact what I would never understand will be the reason why somebody has to lay to the person they love. Probably persons lie to the people they loved because they believe that lying would be better than saying the truth because you would not hurt them so much. But instead when the truth comes to light that person you lied to because you did not want him to get hurt, suffer more than what they will suffer if you would tell them the truth. I I strongly believed that honesty should mean more than not lying. It should mean speaking with the truth. I learned this by personal experience because I am one of the persons that had suffered for a lie.
I wondered how it was possible that my mother had never learned that lesson that I had just learned so painfully and so easily. And I am trying to remember all the time she told me to lie for her. One example would it be when somebody calls and she does not want to answer, even though it is a “white lie” like my mother says I never felt good about saying lies. By the fact what I would never understand will be the reason why somebody has to lay to the person they love. Probably persons lie to the people they loved because they believe that lying would be better than saying the truth because you would not hurt them so much. But instead when the truth comes to light that person you lied to because you did not want him to get hurt, suffer more than what they will suffer if you would tell them the truth. I I strongly believed that honesty should mean more than not lying. It should mean speaking with the truth. I learned this by personal experience because I am one of the persons that had suffered for a lie.