(HTC 550)
HM 222
History Of Honey Honey is as old as written history, dating back to 2100 B.C. where it was mentioned in Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform writings, the Hittie code. Beside that history of honey was came from the sacred writings of India and Egypt. Its name comes from the English hunig, and it was the first and most widespread sweetener used by man. Legend has it had that Cupid dipped his love arrows in honey before aiming at unsuspecting lovers.
What Is Honey ? Honey is the liquid substance obtained from the nectar of flowers, collected by the bees. It then undergoes several processes of ingestion and regurgitation by the bees. In the bee hives, to produce the liquid. There are three different types of bees that live in a bee hive which is ; the queen is the head of the hive lays as many as 1500 eggs each day and is only female that lays eggs. Then comes the drone. The drone’s main purpose is to mate with the queen. Then there is the worker bee. Lastly, the worker. All worker are female and they do just what their name implies, they work. Honey bees often visit 1000 flowers each day and they collect the food necessary to sustain the colony. From fragrant decorative flowers, to fruit blossoms, to the flowers produced by squash, the honey bee is as important to the pollination of food crops as she is to the production of honey.
What Are The Purpose Of Honey Production ? Honey bees, unlike a lot of other insects, don 't hibernate but remain active through the winter. However, they can 't leave the hive if it is too cold, and in any case there are no flowers from which they can get nectar. For this reason they collect as much nectar as they can when it is available and turn the surplus into honey. This is their
Bibliography: Books 1. Maguelonne Toussant-Samat. History of Food. Blackwell Publishers, 2005 2. McGee,.H.On Food and Cooking. Charles Scribner’s Sons. NY: 1984. Internet 1. Butter. WebExhibits Home Page. 15 Dec 2006 2. Asta Online. World of Spice. The American Spice Trade Association. 16 Dec 2006 .