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October 12 2014 13:34
12 October 2014
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1. "I love my bones!"1 - self-harm and dangerous eating youth behaviours in Portuguese written blogs........ 1
12 October 2014
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"I love my bones!"1 - self-harm and dangerous eating youth behaviours in Portuguese written blogs
Author: Castro, Teresa Sofia; Osório, António José
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Abstract: Purpose - Family, media and peer pressure seem to influence adolescent development activating the perception and internalisation of thin ideals that may trigger dieting, bingeing and other self-harming disorders.
The proliferation of problematic online content consumed and produced by young people, such as in the case of pro-anorexic web sites, seem to worry not only parents but also young people. The aim of this work is to analyse content produced by a group of Portuguese speaking pro-anorexic adolescents in order to better understand how social and cultural pressures may influence their disruptive behaviours and how they seem to cope with them. Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative exploratory content analysis examined 11
Portuguese-speaking blogs written by teenagers (boys and girls) between 13 and 19 years old who use these environments to validate their pro-anorexic lifestyle, share body and image issues or search for diets and support from like-minded others. Findings - Blogs content analysis suggest that peer pressure, need for acceptance, and conflicts with parents denote the power of subliminal messages, revealing that, even at very young ages, stereotypical messages may be easily understood and internalised. The authors organised the collected evidence into three categories: common
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