bad in hooking around, instead I encourage people to do that even more, because in that way they will meet a lot of new people and experience some new unfamiliar things. They will maybe easily find their soul mate instead sitting down at the home and hoping that he/she will come by herself/himself. It is good for man and women. It fulfills all their needs. I appreciate all people who are sexually open and communicative. Usually today men calls or texts girl to hang out and they go on drink or somewhere to eat, but that is not called official date, that is just spending time together and perhaps man could get lucky and they have sex. I wonder if I sleep with a lot of girls am I then a bad person?
That is the normal way how the thing functions in today world. Guys just want to sleep with as many girls as they can without any kind of obligation or pressure to date with that girl after. There are also a lot of girls who support that kind of behavior and not pretending like they are not interested. Obliviously and unfortunately for guys there are more girls who dislike this culture of hooking up. They rather prefer old-fashioned dating step by step, then after some time going on the dinner and getting to know each other better. It has been said that this kind of behavior could bring some unwanted consequences into marriage and it can result in argue and divorce. I know that these things happen a lot but I think that person has to have strong attitude and will to say himself/herself when it is enough and then act seriously and properly. Sooner or later everyone will settle down with someone. That is natural. From my own experience and what I saw, hook up can really end like relationship. I mean why not? It is hard to say I love you to the person, but when it comes the right time for that, it should be announced without any kind of
shame. At the end I would like to say that our society is in real mess, and that the most important thing that person can do is to simply believe in himself/herself and do the things which they like and how they like, not looking around what others are doing. We must believe in our instinct and respect our desires. In that way we will be satisfied with our life, and at the end we won’t regret for chances that we didn’t make because we know that we have at least tried.