of of historical facts such as, “ ..dating had almost completely replaced the old system of calling by the mid 1920s..” (Bailey par.2). I like how she uses different years to explain the history of what dating was in several different years. With this she helped me get a better understanding of how dating has changed now that the years have passed. Even though I enjoyed her article I feel like her piece was more of a long histrionic reading about the word dating instead of explaining the dating concept. On the other hand Kathleen A.
Bogle wrote a didactic piece to inform the educators what they need to know about hooking up, as said in the title “‘ Hooking up’: What Educators Need to Know”. To inform the reader about hooking up Bogle uses college as an example and interviews several college students. It was also mentioned when Bogle says that educators need to understand what hooking up is in college ( Bogle 248). Aside from trying to get the educators to know the concept of hooking up in college, she also didacts several problems that campuses have. The reader will be informed that she will be talking about these problems when she says “ Understanding the hookup culture on college campuses is the first step toward addressing two of the biggest residence-life issues: student alcohol abuse and sexual assaults” (Bogle 248). Her short didactic piece was well written and the concept of hooking up was understandable. Both of these article were well written, in fact who ever reads these two articles will probably learn something new about dating and hooking up. What I liked about both was that they included definitions to several different words. For example in paragraph 15 of Bailey’s piece, sphere means “courtship took place within the girl’s home in-women’s ‘sphere’” (pr15). In Bogles reading she defines the most obvious word being, hooking up. The definition of hooking up is “morally questionable sexual activity” ( Bogle 248). All of these different definition help me
understand the concept of both. What I also noticed about these two articles is that they were both meant to be histrionic but they both had different ways of explaining these concepts. The way that Bailey explains the history of dating is by comparing and contrasting “call” and “dating”. For example when she says “ by the 1924, ten years later, when the story if the unfortunate young man who went to call on the city girl was currently, dating had essentially replaced calling in the middle class culture” ( Bailey 238). The way Bogle got through the audience was by talking about the history of hooking up, through historical facts. As she starts of her article she states that in 1960s dating changed to hooking up because of several social changes (Bogle 248). They both compared in the concept of using definitions in their article and they contrasted in their explanatory strategies.
Overall the one that gave me a better concept was Bogle’s piece because her’s was shorter and I got a better understanding of the concept with her examples that explained hooking up. Also because Bailey’s was more about the history of dating than the concept of dating. The audience, as well as me, would appreciate the shorter and informative reading “Hooking Up” by Kathleen A. Bogle.