“God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will.”, Psalm 37:5. God always has His underlying reasons for allowing things to happen and behind those things are truth that will set us free from suffering; meaning why He let those things to happen; value, that those things are for our sake and better; beauty because surely after that obstacle, we learn new things in life.
Despite of what happened in Tacloban, God showed His truthfulness that He’s our refuge. Who would have thought that despite of what happened, there are still people who survived and they are still surviving because of the kind hearted people who are helping; God’s meaning, maybe He let that happen for us to be united as one nation, not only one nation but as one universe; God’s value, we may never know His underlying reason for now but I’m sure He made it for our better, maybe to upgrade our personality to Version 2.0; lastly beauty, see, even though Tacloban people experienced disaster, they’re still persisting and who would have assume that there would be big hearts and helping hands who are so willing to aid us and send us reliefs. Maybe for now, victims may feel down but I’m sure God is preparing something better for them.
I am really an optimistic person so I see the catastrophe that happened in Tacloban as a blessing rather than a punishment because I believe that God won’t let a thing to happen that will harm His children and a simple analogy, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son”, why would He give us His son if all He wants is to see us suffer? We have to reflect on this thing, why is this really happening to us? Maybe because we’re too much.. too abusive.. too cruel.. So the payback is also too much. But even we’re hurt, crushed and we feel like God took away everything we had, we have to trust God’s will. Everything happens for a reason.