The Bucket List
Discussion Questions
Name: Gabriela Erazo
Date: 12/04/2014
1. Are you still seeking the joy in your life? If so, do you know what you are seeking?
Yes, of course. The most important thing you should do is first find yourself, and when you do this you can joy your life.
Now I think I'm enjoying all what I do, and also there are some times when I just want to leave everything and stay alone but that’s why I always remember what is my purpose in my life, and if you don’t have one, it’s time to find your way.
2. If you have found the joy in your life, what is it?
First what gives me joy and sense to my life is my family because I know I can trust in all of them: my two sisters, my mother and father. They give me support and they are my real and unique confident.
So with all of this values I have learnt from them, I know my life is in my hands and that’s why the joy in my life depends only on me.
3. For what or whom do you live?
I live to be someone different in this world, I live for my family who is my complement but especially I live for my own self, to improve and to meet my goals.
And one of my principal goals is being a professional sociology, and with my career makes the world a better place, like the song says.
4. Since we don’t have the power to live life over and do it all differently, what things would you change today if you could, in order to end up where you want to be in life?
I think with each experience in our lives we learn something different. Sometimes we don’t understand why things happen to us, but at the end everything is a result of our actions or thoughts. So I accept what life gives me but however, there are some situations that I would like to change like when my parents worried about me and I didn't care, or when sometimes I told the inappropriate words. I’m sure everything I have decided, helped me to be where I am and who I am. The last part of the question was: where I want to