
Regrets: Debut Albums and People

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Regrets: Debut Albums and People
If you knew that today was your last day on Earth what would you look back on and wish you could change? I strive to make my answer to that absolutely nothing because there isn’t anything I would regret more than living a life full of regrets, full of wishing I had done something differently. We should never regret our decisions, no matter how terrible life seems at the moment. Everything that happens in life makes us the exact person we are meant to be. “You can’t change who people are without destroying who they were.” This is a quote from one of my favorite movies, The Butterfly Effect. In the movie the main character goes back in time to change events he thinks could have had a better outcome. In the end he realizes that these things had to happen for the future to be perfect, just the way it was. Knowing this we need to figure out one thing; how can we live life with no regrets? It seems to be an impossible task in a world that will coldly turn its back on you at any given moment. A form of jujutsu, called Aikido, gives us one answer. In this graceful and beautiful sport you blend with the motion of your attacker and redirect the force of their attack rather than facing it head on. Morihei Ueshiba, the creator of Aikido, envisioned it not only as the synthesis of his martial arts training, but “as an expression of his personal philosophy of universal peace and reconciliation.” We should use this philosophy and apply it to our regrets. Take them and mold them to create a positive outcome. They are like the anchors of our lives. You can either let them drown you or you can use them to hold you down, keep you steady. A short time ago I did something that I thought I would regret for the rest of my life. I ended relationships with friends I had known for over 10 years. I would sit around upset, knowing they were off having fun without me. I second guessed myself terribly. It wasn’t until the end of the summer that I could finally look back and see that if I

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