“Thanks, Nerd-Man!” a burly police officer shouted into the night. It was a dusky Friday evening, the most popular time for criminals to go wandering. Nerd-Man, a nerd by day, super-nerd by night, had just dropped off a couple of petty burglars at the police station. “Just doing my job!” Nerd-Man handsomely replied. With that, the hero flew off into the shadows. Well, technically, he didn’t fly. Nerd-Man (who else?) used a complicated chemical compound that resembled silly string, but was incredibly strong. This was shot out of a gadget in the palms of his hands, rather like Spiderman. But, of course, Nerd-Man is way more amazing. Way. The next day at school, Rosewood High School, to be exact, Nerd-Man’s latest adventure was all the rage. Everyone was talking.
“Have you seen his face?!? He’s so dreamy!” one girl gushed to another, thought she hadn’t seen Nerd-Man’s face at all. Nerd-Man wore a mask.
“Man, I bet he’s the most popular guy at his school!” a jock raved, talking to no one in particular. During all this, a quiet boy walked timidly down the hallway, ignored by all. This boy had braces; wore glasses; a buttoned-up, tucked-in shirt; a belt; and a pocket protector. This boy was, in every sense, a nerd. He had never gotten a grade below an A. He had never gone to a dance, with an actual date. And, he had never, ever been recognized by the “cool” kids for anything. Little did anyone know, this young nerdling was the superman that they were all talking about. His name was Danny Walker. As Danny walked down the hall, he passed Evelyn and Rafe, the most admired couple in the whole school. Danny had an ENORMOUS crush on Evelyn, but no one knew that, because Danny never talked to anyone. It truly was a shame. ‘Why should Rafe always push me around?’ Danny thought to himself. ‘I should get a chance to show a girl just how much I love her. It’s getting on my last nerve that I can’t talk to her. After all, I am a super