In “Terrible Things” by Eve Bunting and Fred Gross’s interview “Child of the Holocaust” we are given an idea of the cruelty of people during the Holocaust and how good people sat by did nothing while people around them were being killed. They also show us how people made excuses for why they shouldn’t be taken and why others were.
Terrible Things
During the Holocaust people did nothing about their neighbors and friends being taken away and in “Terrible Things” this is shown with Eve Bunting’s interpretation of the Holocaust using forest creatures and the ‘Terrible Things’. In “Terrible Things” she uses forest creatures to represent people who are taken by the ‘Terrible Things’ that represent the Nazis and Hitler. She also shows …show more content…
In Fred Gross’s interview, he talks about how the Nazis came to kill him at a young age and that people were not treated as people, but instead as things or objects. He also speaks his thoughts on how people could make a difference and stand together instead of just being bystanders. Fred Gross states that “Evil is that good men do nothing” He knows that throughout the Holocaust good people did nothing but watch and he shows that he believes people like this are evil. He also talks about how the Nazis came for him when he was only three and that children were the first to be “exterminated” this can show his negative thoughts on the Holocaust as he says “exterminated” instead of killed to show that they were thought of as bugs or rodents instead of people. Not only this but Fred states “to take part in areas to improve the lives of others” He uses this too encourages people to work together and stand up unlike how so many people were bystanders during the Holocaust. He presents most of his information this way because it can help to show how negative the Holocaust was and how people were not treated like humans, but also to show us that if we stand together it can stop something like this from happening again.
Throughout the Holocaust good people did nothing about the cruelty that was happening and chose to be bystanders letting people die, and in “Terrible Things” and “Child of the Holocaust” this is shown and interpreted into Eve Bunting’s and Fred Gross’s own ideas and words. Standing up can make a difference and uniting can do even