Being terrified is not my first choice on a Friday night .To me the obsession with going to horror movies is a silly waste of time. I'm not one to become overly dramatic about watching bloody killing sprees in movies. It's just not enjoyable to me to watch the gore and blood that horror movies provide to the viewers. To those gore seeking movie goers out there i don't quite understand your intense craving for guts and blood. And why horror films seem to satisfy the craving for guts and blood. I guess I just don't quite get what positive benefits horror films provide to the viewers.
It's a fad that is blowing through the American movie scene. The teenagers crave the Adeline rush that horror movie provide them. This fad is beneficial to production of these movies because they can make more money by not having to pay the big name actor/actress. There also is not a ton of scenery that needs to be build because most horror movies, center on an eerie house or a central location. The movie usually takes place during the night so details are not needed as much in the scenery. There is no need for an Oscar winning actress to be the star in the film because the horror is already drawing the fans. It isn't necessary to waste the money with a famous actor. Movie makers make the same amount if not more money with a new face on the screen. With the cost of producing a horror film being so cheap, it becomes so easy to