Dear Prospective Volunteer:
Thank you for your interest in the volunteer program at Sharp Grossmont Hospital. Our volunteers work in departments throughout the hospital and share their skills to help the hospital fulfill its mission of excellence in patient care and customer service. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities and will make every effort to match our needs with your particular skills and interests.
Adult and college student volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. Volunteers born in 1957 or after must show proof of having a MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) immunization in 1980 or after.
Volunteers must complete the following steps: • New volunteer orientation • Personal interview (scheduled at the time of orientation) • Health screening (to be completed after personal interview) • General training • Additional training in the assigned job
Health Screening:
Below are the TB skin test and immunization requirements for volunteers at Sharp HealthCare. TB skin testing and Flu vaccine will be provided by Sharp Employee Occupational Health Department (EOHD) at no charge. Any vaccine or titer documentation that is required will need to be completed by a provider of your choosing. Student health services, primary care providers and San Diego county immunization clinics are available as resources to get the required vaccinations. If there is a co-pay for your visit(s) Sharp HealthCare will reimburse your expenses up to $20 per visit. Please provide us with an original receipt and address to mail reimbursement.
If you need a booster for MMR or Varicella, please do not get this until AFTER you have had your TB skin testing at Sharp EOHD. If you have had a live virus vaccine such as MMR or Varicella, we are required to wait 4 weeks before we can give you a TB skin test and this would delay your start as a volunteer.