REGS NO.1211-944
BATCH – 34
SUBMITTED ON: 16/08/2012
What are green hotels?
Green hotels are environmentally friendly properties that the initiative and implement very important practices and programs to reduce the wastage of energy, water, and waste.
Green hotels are participating in recycling programs, linen changing programs, Installing energy efficient lighting and doing many other eco-friendly programs that can create awareness among the guests and around the surrounding getting their message out to everyone and how they are doing their part in protecting the planet.
Now a days many hotels are encouraging going green due to too much pollution in the present era, many eco-friendly companies are presenting these hotels with awards and certification on successfully achieving going green and efficiently managing the waste programs, saving electricity and water.
There are various ways in which hotels can go green by following these few steps, * Start a linen reuse program in all guest rooms. * Use compact fluorescent lighting, use sensor and or timers for area’s that are not infrequently used. * Are your guestroom bath-rooms are using low flow showerheads. * Provide gueestrooms with recycler basket/bin for newspapers, white paper, glass products, aluminum cans, cardboards and plastic. * Apply windows tint/films to reduce heating and cooling loads in guestrooms. * Install thermostats and heating/air-conditioning controllers in each room. * Use recycled paper products that are not bleached. * Provide guests with bicycles, walking maps and information on public transportation. * Provide reusable items such as cloth napkins, glass cups, ceramic dishes, etc with all food and beverage sevice.
These are the few things that can help become hotels a green