Journal of Ecotourism
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Nature tourists’ response to ecolabels in Oulanka PAN Park, Finland
Riikka Puhakka & Pirkko Siikamäki a a a b
Oulanka Research Station/Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland b Metsähallitus, Luontopalvelut, Kuusamo, Finland Version of record first published: 18 Jan 2012.
To cite this article: Riikka Puhakka & Pirkko Siikamäki (2012): Nature tourists’ response to ecolabels in Oulanka PAN Park, Finland, Journal of Ecotourism, 11:1, 56-73 To link to this article:
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Journal of Ecotourism Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2012, 56–73
Nature tourists’ response to ecolabels in Oulanka PAN Park, Finland
Riikka Puhakkaa∗ and Pirkko Siikamakia,b ¨
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