The word ecotourism is something that has only recently become a mainstay in the English language. Tours to rainforest, gamer reserves, and wildlife sanctuaries are growing in every region of the world. They go in tent camps, on safaris, to jungle lodges, and to rainforest resorts. Inspired by zoos and the throngs of animal themed television shows, people are taking to the jungles and savannas to see the earth 's most fascinating creatures in the wild before it is too late. At the going rate, some say the Sundarbans will disappear within the next few decades unless drastic measures are taken. Other forests and regions are in danger too. Although in some places tourism growth has threatened wildlife, in most cases it inspires many to conserve it.
2. Definition of eco-tourism
Ecotourism is travelling to natural places that are vulnerable and the tourists are required to act responsibly in order to minimize the negative aspects of tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural integrity of the local people. Apart from evaluating environmental and cultural factors, an important function of ecotourism is to promote recycling, energy conservation, energy efficiency, and creation of economic opportunity for local community.
The Ecotourism Society defines it as "responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of the local people". A walk through the rainforest is not eco-tourism unless that particular walk somehow benefits that environment and the people who live there. A rafting trip is only eco-tourism if it raises awareness and funds to help protect the watershed. A loose interpretation of this definition allows many companies to promote themselves as something that they are not.
Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating
Bibliography: * Ecotourism. Wikipedia. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from * Merg, M. (January, 2007). What is Ecotourism?. Untamed Path. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from * Advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism.(2008) Benefits of Eco tourism. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from * Risks and benefits of Eco Tourism. (2008). Eco India. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from Retrieved August 1, 2011, from * What is the definition of mass tourism? (2011) * Mass Tourism: Is it exploitation? ( August 9, 2001) * Adventure Tourism.( July 29, 2011) * What are the disadvantages of mass tourism? (2011)