The Advertiser’s headline on March 11th ‘Put to the test’ details proposed changes in the entry criteria for student teachers. More information has been gained from online sources to give an analysis of other media viewpoints. Starting in 2016, all teacher applicants will be required by the Federal Government to provide evidence of emotional stability, commitment and high skills in literacy and numeracy.
Under the proposed changes aspirants will be asked to provide a letter detailing their suitability for a place as well as interviews to check if they have the resilience and emotional intelligence for the role much like the way a Medical Doctor must apply to study. They will also will need evidence of extracurricular activities with an educational focus, such as coaching a sports team.
Tertiary Education Minister Chris Bowen is quoted to have said (Adelaide now) Training teachers must be of high standard. He then also goes on to say, ‘passion, commitment, dedication, emotional intelligence... there are ways these things can be assessed.’ Universities Australia, is happy with the proposed changes stating 'it’s a focus on quality of a teacher graduate’.With this new proposal, student teacher applicants will need to show a strong desire to teach. We believe this is a great thing for our country. {It has long been suspected, the best teachers are the teachers who show passion and dedication to their work. }
{It is obvious this new proposal will make it more difficult for students to graduate in the profession. This may be what Australia’s education sector needs, as our children (students) deserve the best education they can receive. This scheme will sift out hopefuls whose hearts may not be completely in it. In a long term outlook, educators will be of a higher calibre, and because of this, future generations are more likely to succeed.}
The emphasis of knowledge and results over pure teaching ability could be seen as a potential problem with this plan. The proposal mentions a requirement of students to achieve results in the top 30% in Literacy and Numeracy to graduate as a teacher.The government has been focussing on basic Literacy and Numeracy in the last few years.This translates to their desire to train teachers into these roles. They have provided a security net student teacherswho fail these tests will be given the opportunity to take supplemental classes and resit the tests.
Another possible flaw in this proposal is the notion of training the ‘best teacher graduates’. The article boasts the plan will ensure the best possible teachers, and yet SA Secondary Principals Association’s president, Jan Paterson admits that there “hasn’t been enough research into what makes a good teachers education”.
Mr Garrett was noted to say, “Our plan will make sure that only those people who have high levels of literacy and numeracy, a dedication for teaching and a great classroom practice will graduate and enter our schools.”
Some perspectives on this topic include. The Advertiser’s perspective focused on the policy changes and the positives that will be will be gained. The ABC Radio national article made negative comments about Australia’s education sector particularly in regards to the standards of student’s teacher graduates. The article uses these comments as a lead into the Government policy changes.
Parents were only mentioned in the ABC radio national article as the decline in literacy and numeracy standards amongst teachers is a major worry. There was no actual quote from any parents in the articles. (need help detailing why this may be bias).
In all three articles student teachers have been the main focus
{Overall this latest proposal which incidentally forms part of the Labour Governments election campaign has great potential. There will be problems to begin with as happens with all new ground breaking plans. If however these problems can be overcome, Australia’s next generation of Teachers may help lead our children into a very promising future.}