College of Business Administration
Hotel Continental and Armour Garments Company
(Case Analysis)
In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements
In Principles of Organization and Management MGT211
Kim Albarda
Danika Issabel I. Anulao
Alyssa Caren Bueno
BSA – 1B
Dr. Edmundo Banagan
Hotel Continental I. Background of the Study
Mr. Oscar Mendoza is the owner of the Triumph Tours, and in July 1989, he read from newspaper an advertisement of leasing Hotel Continental’s facilities. During the last six months, he has been seriously thinking about operating a hotel because of experiencing difficulties in getting hotel accommodations. During the last two years, Hotel Continental incurred losses of about P2 to 3 million pesos. Mendoza told Ernesto de los Santos, his Marketing Manager, that his travel business can only provide 40% utilization of the hotel. He also asked de los Santos to gather some data that will help to the situation. De los Santos called all his staffs to gather data about hotel industry and give it to him. Several days later, Mendoza already received the packet of information submitted by two of the five staff members of the marketing management. II. Time Context
Read an advertisement from newspapers and had a meeting with Ernesto de los Santos on July 1989. III. View Point
Mendoza’s point of view is to have gathered information and data that will help him to decide whether or not he should bid a price for Hotel Continental because of their incurred losses of about P2 to 3 million pesos. Mendoza immediately received the data given by two of the five members of the marketing management instructed by Ernesto de los Santos. IV. Statement of the Problem
The main problem in this case is that Mendoza doesn’t know how to get, where to get, when to get and fill up the remaining 60% of his travel agency business on providing annually capacity utilization of the hotel because they only