
House Of Bricks Analysis

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Despot’s notoriety for having a large catalog of unreleased songs took a hit today - “House Of Bricks” surfaced as a single on the Queens MC’s Soundcloud. “House Of Bricks” has been a live staple for years, especially on his recent fall 2014 tour with Run The Jewels and RATKING - in studio quality, Despot has done well to preserve the enthusiasm he approaches the song with in a live format. “House Of Bricks” is centered around a pulsing synth beat and an eclectic drum loop; the simplistic chord progression evokes the mid-’90s era that Despot visits so often in his music. Sliced choral samples come together during the triumphant chorus, which quickly goes from annoying to memorable as Despot shouts, “This little piggy got a house made of bricks

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