Households’ data collection is done by village cadres. Kopang Rembige village has 100 cadres. However, only 75 cadres involved as surveyor because the village has 75 RTs. The cadres are groups in community who conducted volunteer activities to support the development process in rural area. The village empowerment cadres formed by the interior minister regulation No. 7 of 2007 which have duties to:
a. Mobilize and motivate people to actively participate in development activities.
b. Assist communities to identify the problems
c. Assist communities in developing capacity
d. Encourage and convince the decision makers to hear and consider the needs of the community
e. Attending meetings and helping communities to gain access …show more content…
Utilization of map
Once the digital social mapping completed. The digital social mapping results were used to support the development process in the village. It is said by Rukmawati who is also the BKM coordinator in PNPM Mandiri for Kopang Rembige village.
"Proposed development in the village through PNPM Mandiri is trying to use a map as consideration, for example although home improvements necessarily based on proposals from KSM, we are still using map to find the potential recipients. However, the recipient will only receive around 13 million rupiah per household to complete the renovation work. To make it happens, the recipient would need the cooperation with the neighbour or KSM members to help finishing the project. The mapping result is used to help determining which people who deserve to be helped. However, we still conduct direct surveys to the proposed recipient.”
Picture 5.4 Housing material map Ngorok sub village Kopang Rembige
It is justified by Mansyur KSM in the Lauk Rurung 1
"We are really looking for a person who has indecent house to receive help. I requested by Rukmawati which is the BKM coordinator to see directly who is really the needed to receive the assistance from PNPM …show more content…
The village government could contribute to finish the project. We also have long experienced working with Berugak Dese because I also see that the Berugak Dese always exists in the development process in the village. For example, Berugak Dese involved as a team to create RPJM (Planning plan) in the village. I want them to help others villagers to be able to involve and active in the development process in Kopang Rembige. As villagers in Kopang Rembige, they should be focused to develop Kopang Rembige village and not other villages.