an issue because the housing values in the North Hill District are extremely low. With no one taking care of their house that is lowering the value of other houses in the area. Most people can't sell their house and get out of here. Even if your house was the highest of quality it would be sold for less because of the other poorly kept houses. Let's face 99% of people want to move away from Ohio because it is boring, nothing ever goes down here. At most we a couple of water park, some amusement parks, Lebron James, and Heroin.
That's all Ohio is known for, and the fact people can’t sell their house and move out makes it a bigger problem. We should let the people go we should let them enjoy life, because everyone knows Ohio is depressing. Ways we could solve this problem is getting a Home program set up in North Hill and educating people about what the Home program is. The Home program is a program to help people out with fixing up their house. They do this by getting grants from the government or nonprofit groups, and the money is used to build, buy, and fix up housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people. The Home program helps each community different because not every community is the same. The community that is getting worked on only has to pay 25 cents per dollar used making it easy on the residents. The way the community gets its grant is by the housing supply, its incidence of poverty, and its fiscal distress. Which for the North Hill District I think we are overqualified for all those things. So all the people that live in communities like mine you should contact a Local Government
official. If they can't answer you contact the Home program field office in cleveland US Bank Centre Building, 1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 500 Cleveland, OH 44115-1815