‘Leeuwarden, November2012’
Konstantin Grusnewitsch Jacqueline Ligtenberg Djuri van der Schaar Stenden University Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
101141 79050 80674
Small Business and Retail Management Store Branding 2012-2013 Mr. Jos Schils Mr. Ralph Ferwerda Mr. Marten Jan Feenstra Mr. Joe Murphy
Konstantin Grusnewitsch
Jacqueline Ligtenberg
Djuri van der Schaar
How can Amazon use positioning to create a strong brand identity in the next 5 years?
Leeuwarden, November 2012
Konstantin Grusnewitsch Jacqueline Ligtenberg Djuri van der Schaar Stenden University Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
101141 79050 80674
Small Business and Retail Management Store Branding 2012-2013 Mr. Jos Schils Mr. Ralph Ferwerda Mr. Marten Jan Feenstra Mr. Joe Murphy Konstantin Grusnewitsch 1 Jacqueline Ligtenberg Djuri van der Schaar
Acknowledgements “We are highly indebted to Mr. J. Schils, Mr., J. Murphy, Mr. R. Ferwerda and Mr, M.J. Feenstra all from Stenden University for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project and also for their support in completing the project”.
Konstantin Grusnewitsch
2 Jacqueline Ligtenberg
Djuri van der Schaar
Executive summary In this report a research has been done on Amazon and why it might be gone. With the research was tried to find out the following: how Amazon could use positioning to create a strong brand identity in the near future. To research was tackled by using two research methods; first one being the use of secondary research and second of all an observation list. Several objectives where tackled at the same time starting off with the first two being; describe the brands current pricing strategy and devise a way that shows the current range of brands. Amazon can be classified as a high-value brand as they offer a broad range of products, starting