This study attempts to research and analyze both second hand literature as well as first hand observation. The report also plans to discuss the effects of retail image, personality and brand and their interrelations between the supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths in particular at the Westfield Kotara site.
2. Literature Review:
Dong-Mo Koo’s study “Interrelationships among Store Images, Store Satisfaction, and Store Loyalty among Korea Discount Retail Patrons” analyses the concept how various discount store characteristics and attitudes towards these stores alter consumers satisfaction and furthermore, how does customer satisfaction influence store loyalty. Koo’s study discusses: (1) The forming of attitudes and how it is influenced greatest through in-store services, atmosphere, employee service and merchandising. (2) Satisfaction is directly related to store value and atmosphere. (3) The overall store attitude induced has a strong correlation to consumer loyalty and satisfaction. (4) Store loyalty is impacted greatest through location, merchandising and after sales service.
The report is based on pervious studies which have developed an understanding on how physical characteristics such as store location influence attitudes. This study is differentiated from these in that it attempts to more explicitly identify the characteristics which develop the relationship between store image and the attitude towards that store. The study acknowledges that whilst many other studies have been conducted on store image and its impact on store loyalty and whether image directly influences satisfaction. This study develops an interrelationship between all store image, satisfaction and loyalty elements.
The results of the study show how store image affects attitude more directly through store atmosphere, service, merchandising and after sales service more so than location and convenience. This result supports previous studies such as Wilkie (1986) and
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