
How Can Knowledge And Government Strengthen Ancient Egypt

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How Can Knowledge And Government Strengthen Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt

To what extent can Knowledge, and Government strengthen and weaken Ancient Egypt?

This investigation is about Ancient Egypt, its knowledge and government. Ancient Egypt has many reasons on how it strengthened and/or weakened its civilisation. I am going to talk about how these subjects like writing, medicine, pharaohs, religion, army, and how the Ancient Egypt theocracy weakened or strengthened Ancient Egypt. Medicine strengthened Ancient Egypt because they help with the health, writing strengthened it because it helped keeping records, Government strengthened Egypt because the union of the 2 lands; The Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt.

Point: One of the reasons why knowledge strengthened Ancient Egyptian civilization is the record
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The pharaoh was a the top of the Social Structure and had more rights than any other person in the Social Structure.
Explanation: There are reasons why most people became slaves here are some of the reasons why: People became slaves when they owed a debt, commited a crime or was captured in war (Carnine 157). Only after a period of time they were released free again or if they worked in the mines, majority of people died of exhausting labour (Carnine 157). But Pharaohs were at the top because they were believed to be a god and not represent the gods (Beck 37).

As you have seen there are many strengths and weaknesses in Ancient Egypt. The Strengths are Record Keeping that helps us keep record of taxes and more, medicine and techniques for surgery that help Ancient Egypt improve on the health of people, and the union of the kingdoms which made Ancient Egypt stronger in army’s, people, health. The weaknesses are that people are not equal. But they have more weaknesses than this and also more strengths than this. Over time Egypt will improve from farming villages to a successful

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