We as teachers in the 21st Century Classroom need to harness the power of using ICT’s in our classroom. Our research indicates that we already have many technologies available in the classroom. The problem is that we still need to embed these further in our literacy teaching practices. In 2006 Labbo stated in her own research that ‘new literacies are learnt best when computer technologies are integrated throughout the day and across the curriculum.’ (2011, pp. 4) This means we cannot simply use them as time fillers.
Looking at the Northern Grid website there are a variety of programs we can incorporate into different literacy areas. The grid below shows some of the programs mentioned and what area of literacy they correspond to.
Area of Literacy | Programs that can be embedded in practice | Word Level | Phonics, spelling and word recognition. | Animated Alphabet/ Tizzy’s Toy Box (Early years)Textease | Vocabulary | My First incredible Amazing DictionaryWord processor with inbuilt Dictionary | Handwriting | Track, Trace, CopyWords and Pictures | Sentence Level | Grammatical awareness | TexteaseClicker | Sentence Construction | | Text Level | Reading | Talking Books (Oxford reading tree, Rusty Dreamer) | Comprehension | Internet based stories.Talking books as a stimulus | Composition | Word Processors.Email Internet Relay ChatAnimation software. |
Some different ways that we can incorporate the above programs and other programs in our literacy teaching could include: * Using interactive E-Books on the interactive whiteboard instead of traditional Big books. Talk about the pictures, text and the use of voice and sounding out words. The advantage is all students can see the screen, unlike some books and it can be drawn on and analysed as a class. * Using word Processor to create simple text in lower year levels. They can type words and
References: Ilomäki, L Kantosalo, A Lakkala, M 2011, ‘Which elements of digital competence should be acquired at school?’ Northern Grid: http://www.northerngrid.org/index.php/resources/literacy