
How Did Adolf Hitler's Medical Use During The Holocaust

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How Did Adolf Hitler's Medical Use During The Holocaust
The rule of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany is most commonly associated with the killing of the Jewish population and other minorities during the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler, the Führer (leader) of Nazi Germany, rose to power and imposed his racially motivated ideological views on the people of Germany. After assuming this position of prominence in German government, Hitler began his quest to glorify Germany by eliminating people who were not considered as superior as the Aryan race, therefore allowing the Aryan race to be able to achieve a superior status in Germany and in the world, something Hitler believed was their birthright. Some of Hitler’s greatest weapons during the Holocaust were medical professionals, who he used to help create his ideal nation. Before and during the Holocaust, doctors abandoned their duty to protect and heal patients, instead participating in Hitler’s euthanasia plan, as well as partaking in cruel medical experiments designed to help advance Nazi rule and knowledge. Nazi medical experimentation, combined with their willing participation in committing mass murder throughout Europe is a complete betrayal of the German medical ethic of “nil nocere”, …show more content…
After the decree was signed, Füher Chancellery director Phillip Bouhler and Dr. Karl Brandt, established six euthanasia centers to be used to kill adults classified as disabled. Once the disabled adult arrived at a euthanasia center, they were evaluated, photographed, and sent to die in either a gas chamber, or by a lethal injection. The T4 program continued its work quietly for two years, but in August 1941, news of the euthanasia program leaked, sparking protest and opposition. Cardinal Clemens August von Galen gave the following speech voicing his opposition to the killing of the disabled under the T4

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