The first cause of World War One was imperialism. Countries wanted to take over countries. If you didn’t control a country then you weren’t a country that had many alliances. That’s what they thought about daily and dreamed about at night. Actually 14 years before the war the Secretary of State gave a speech called ‘The hammer or the anvil.’ The speech talks about how if Austria Hungary wants to s …show more content…
Over 17 million deaths and 20 million wounded. America needed so many soldiers that they had to organize a draft to send people out into fighting. While men were being sent out ttay on top of the game that they had to keep up and gain more control of countries. So 14 years previous of the war countries were starting to gain power and become big. An example of a country that was high in control of other countries was Great Britain. In 1913 they owned more area and had more population in their colonies than France,Germany, and the US combined! As you can see imperialism was a hard hit when it came to causes of World War