“World War II was the most destructive conflict in history. It cost more money, damaged more property, killed more people, and caused more far-reaching changes than any other war in history” (Lehnardt).
Over two years’ worth of conflicts between the Allies and the Axis Powers, Japan bombing an American military base caused America to enter WWII, leaving the woman in America to take care of the country while the men were away. On September 1, 1939, Adolf Hitler …show more content…
The war was fought between two different groups of countries the Allies and Axis Powers. The Allies were Britain, France, the United States and several others. The Axis Powers only included Germany, Italy, and Japan. Before America entered the war, they were simply supplied for the Allies for two years. By an Axis Power country, Japan bombing Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, it caused America to enter the war. The Japanese Leader sent over a hundred planes to bomb the Army base in Hawaii Territory. The bombing killed about 2,402 and injured 1,280 Americans (Lehnardt). It also caused multiple battleships, aircraft, and other us militarily materials to be damaged throughout the battle on Pearl Harbor Base (History.com Staff). The surprise attack brought rage to the America and their leaders, allowing them to let go of the idea of being a neutral country. As the writer Michael Morella said,
“American attitudes about the war change radically, [as do] American attitudes about the economy, about giving to the war. The war is not part of the culture; the war is the culture. Everything is viewed through the prism of the war effort”