The second main reason for why it was detrimental for America to join World War I is the debt that was created due to the war. During the war, America along with most of the other countries who were involved in the World War, racked up a large amount of debt due to shortages of artillery and other necessary items. During the summer of 1917, Great Britain’s greatest threat was not the German U-boats, nor the threat of the Soviet in Leeds, but the very real possibility of default on the loans contracted in Wall Street since 1915. The American declaration provided immediate relief. By the end of April, Washington had already given Britain an advance of 250 million dollars, and another 3 billion dollars in loans pending congressional approval (Adam Tooze 75). The United States Treasury loans had rescued Great Britain within a few weeks of bankruptcy, …show more content…
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate” (ESV, Psalm 127:3-5). The leaders of America and the leaders of the world sent these children off to fight for the war and to die, which killed off most of the generation of men, young men. America and the rest of the war killed off almost a whole generation of God’s children, children that He loved so much that He gave His only son to die for our sins, allowing us the possibility to have eternal life with