The ultimate reason why there was eventually a vote to bring Johnson on an impeachment trial was through his violation of the Tenure of Office Act which prohibited presidents from removing officials without the permission from the Senate. With a trial extremely likely, the courtroom had to be prepared. The trial managers, or prosecutors, in the trial would be the congressmen, John A. Bingham, George Boutwell, Benjamin F. Butler, John A. Logan. Thaddeus Stevens, Thomas Williams, and James F. Wilson. Those who be in the defense of Andrew Johnson would be Henry Stanbery, a former Attorney General, William M. Evarts, a New York attorney, Benjamin Robbin Curtis, a former justice on the Supreme Court, Thomas A.R. Nelson, a judge from Tennessee, and William S. Groesbeck, an attorney from Ohio. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase of the Supreme Court would preside over the trail and the Senate would serve as the jury. On March 30, 1868, the trial would …show more content…
In the three hour speech given by Benjamin Butler, he argued that the violation of the Tenure of Office Act was indeed unconstitutional, that which eight of the eleven articles of impeachment covered, and that Johnson disrespected Congress in such a vile manner. Ever since the trial began, Republicans didn’t want it to be fair for Andrew Johnson because they were bent on seeing him being thrown out of the White House. In terms of evidence, some things that could have been used to defend Johnson were rejected. Ridiculously, imaginary evidence was also accepted. The jury was more focused on getting votes to remove Johnson than actual evidence and fairness. Salmon P. Chase wanted to have a fair trial. Although the Senate may have given it to him in the form of lip service at the start, this isn’t what was going. Many bribes were continuing to take place and testimonies from witnesses centered on what Johnson did in his private life such as his drinking habits. Despite of these things that the defense team was fully aware of, they had to do the best with what they had. The trial was actually postponed due to their pleas of getting more time to get evidence and witnesses. They eventually developed three main arguments. The first was that Johnson ought not to be removed from the presidency because the Office of Tenure Act didn’t cover Stanton because Lincoln’s term ended with his death and that Stanton