
How Did Christopher Columbus First Voyage

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How Did Christopher Columbus First Voyage
. That same year he took to the seas on his second expedition and explored more islands in the Caribbean Ocean. Upon arrival at Hispaniola,
Columbus and his crew discovered the Navidad settlement had been destroyed with all the sailors massacred. the wishes of the queen, who found slavery offensive, Columbus established a forced labor policy over the native population to rebuild the settlement and explore for gold, before returning to Spain, Columbus left his brothers Bartholomew and Diego to govern the settlement on Hispaniola and sailed briefly around the larger Caribbean islands further convincing himself he had discovered the outer islands of China.
It wasn't until his third voyage that Columbus reached the mainland exploring the Orinoco River in present-day
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Convincing King Ferdinand that one more voyage would bring the abundant riches promised. Columbus went on what would be his last voyage in 1502, traveling along the eastern coast of Central
America. A storm wrecked one of his ships stranding the captain and his sailors on the island of Cuba. During this time, local islanders, tired of the Spaniards' poor treatment and obsession with gold, refused to give them food. In a spark, of inspiration. Columbus consulted an almanac and devised a plan to "punish" the islanders it was taking away the moon. February 29, 1504, a lunar eclipse alarmed the natives enough to re-establish trade with the Spaniards. Columbus' legacy is a mixed one. He has been credited for opening the Americas to European colonization as well as blamed for the destruction of the native peoples of the islands he explored. On the one hand, he failed to find that what he set out for - a new route to Asia and the riches it promised. However, in what is known as the
Columbian Exchange, his expeditions set in motion the wide-spread transfer

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