
How Did Christopher Columbus Progress

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How Did Christopher Columbus Progress
When Columbus found the USA
For many centuries, Columbus has been summoned as courageous explorer whose daring, determination, and navigational skills led to the discovery of America. In 1492, he commanded the first European expedition to navigate the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in the Americas. Even though he was not the first European to land on this continent, previous voyages had no valuable results. Columbus first expedition to America brought significant changes in the world. Indeed, his discoveries in West Indies led to the rapid, rampant, and permanent settlement. Furthermore, these voyages sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella showed eagerness and determination to discover new cities and new sources. In the mid sixteen century, other explorers such as Spanish conquistadors controlled much of America, Caribbean, and some parts of Africa (Kirkpatrick 112). The discovery of the new world was that of great progress, yet there were many hardships and struggles due to endless battles and errors in finding the land.
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Many citizens observe this day as a reminder of when he discovered America. Besides, the explorer not only changed the world, but also inspired other voyagers like Da Gama, Cartier, and Magellan to live out their dreams. Without Columbus’ expedition, such people would have never become great explorers, and the planet would be less advanced, unlike today. Like Columbus, African people were exceptional explorers and transmitters of culture across the globe. Pre-Columbus society in the Americas had its basis built on African civilization. Besides, Columbus himself noted that in his voyage, some Native Americans confirmed that black skinned individuals had arrived in boats from southeast, trading in gold-inclined spears (Kirkpatrick 267). Africans helped to civilize America even before its discovery by

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