to Spain to be tested and they found the samples identical to the gold, silver and copper alloy spears forged in Africa Guinea. Columbus’ son, Ferdinand, also confirmed this information. Archeological evidence of an African presence in the pre-Columbian times, show that there were African portraits, clay, gold and stone in Central and South America. The significance this have relating to Botany as a Science is that evidence shows that certain plants such as cotton, bananas, yams, beans and gourd (calabash) were pre-Colombian plants in the Americas. Research suggested that though the last plant (gourd) could have been transported by the ocean, the others couldn’t survive such prolonged exposure and ocean currents. The presence of these plants at the age of slavery shows that slave owners needed slaves to cultivate and sustain these plants.
to Spain to be tested and they found the samples identical to the gold, silver and copper alloy spears forged in Africa Guinea. Columbus’ son, Ferdinand, also confirmed this information. Archeological evidence of an African presence in the pre-Columbian times, show that there were African portraits, clay, gold and stone in Central and South America. The significance this have relating to Botany as a Science is that evidence shows that certain plants such as cotton, bananas, yams, beans and gourd (calabash) were pre-Colombian plants in the Americas. Research suggested that though the last plant (gourd) could have been transported by the ocean, the others couldn’t survive such prolonged exposure and ocean currents. The presence of these plants at the age of slavery shows that slave owners needed slaves to cultivate and sustain these plants.