Amerigo hides in the galley of the boat, where kept all the supplies for food and water until he knew it was safe to come out. When the boat was forty yards out from shore he came out and went to the top deck. Amerigo came out and was curious about where the ship was going. That's when he asks one of the crew members of the boat who was in charge, the crew member said, “Yo no hablo Inglés” as heads downstairs carrying a heavy crate downstairs to the storage room. Amerigo saw someone else an old elderly woman holding a child in her hand, “Excuse me, ma’am but where is this ship going” said Amerigo. The women said, “I don’t know, dear why don’t you ask the captain” as she point toward his …show more content…
Amerigo was thrilled to find out who was steering the ship, “Hello sir, I’m Amerigo Vespucci, and I wasn’t meant to be on this ship.” Said Amerigo. “Well, sir, none of us is meant to be here, but we all need to get away from that dreadful king and start a new life somewhere else.” Said the captain. “Wait wait wait, what do you mean by starts a new life somewhere else.” Said Amerigo. As he was terrified of where he was going, the first thought that ran through Amerigo mine was that the ship he was on, was sending slaves somewhere. “Are these people slaves and are they being sent somewhere as a tradeoff.” Said Amerigo. As his knees began to buckle, “No you foolish sir, were sailing to the west to Asia and we will start a new voyage there.” Said the captain as he looks at Amerigo. Therefore Amerigo was satisfied with the information he was given “Oh ok thank you and also what’s your name, sir?” said Amerigo is awaiting for his answer, “My name is Christopher Columbus héroe and the greatest sailor to ever live.” Said