Due to the obesity Henry died from natural causes in 1547. His only male heir Edward VI became king at his nine. Edward was the first monarch in England who was about to be raised as a Protestant. Henry was organized a cabinet regency to rule on his behalf, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, seized the power and he declared himself as the Protector. Seymour and the archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer were want to make England a proper Protestant country. So that, the revolution of the Church of England into a Protestant shape also happened during reign of the young king Edward. A Book of Common, written in English was introduced. Priests were allowed to get married. Statues and pictures about Catholicism had been removed and Catholic bishops were imprisoned. Moreover, in order to spread Protestanism, Protestant …show more content…
missionaries were send out all over the country to introduce the new belief and they gave citizens the Bible written in English. These series of events considered as the most significant impacts on England during Edward VI’s reign.
In 1553, It became clear that young King was suffering from consumption, and not going to live for so long.
His council had a plan to prevent England return to Catholicism. According to his father Henry VIII’s will Mary, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon should be the Queen, if Edward dies without having a children but the Duke of Northumberland, John Dudley had different plans. He asked and persuaded Edward to choose his successor as Jane Grey. Mary was the Dudley’s daughter-in-law and John hoped to rule England by this way. Jane was Queen for only few days and then with support of the people of the England Mary took the
Mary was a deeply faithful Catholic and worked hard to make England Catholic again. She restored the rule of Pope in England, and brought an adviser to the Pope from Rome. In 1554, England was officially Catholic again and reunited with Rome. Mary declined the usage of the English prayer book and brought Latin mass back. Mary’s religious beliefs might be one of the reasons to marry with Prince Philip of Spain, a powerful Catholic. On contrary to the past, this time, many Protestants who did not welcome Catholicism and its practices were burned to death. In 1558, Mary declared Elizabeth as her heir and after Mary’s death Elizabeth ascended to the throne.
Elizabeth is considered by many people to be the greatest monarch in England’s history. She was inherited a bankrupt nation. Although she was brought up a Protestant. She was fully aware of the troubles that religion bring to England. In order to bring the reconciliation, Elizabeth drew a different path and tried to satisfy both Protestant and Catholic belief. Since she granted herself as the “Supreme Governor” people thought that Elizabeth is different and she is not into being the “Head of the Church of England”. She allowed the practices of Catholicism, bringed English Prayer Book back, but did not forbid the Latin.
However; towards the end of her reign, there were rebellions and plots against Elizabeth, those led by the Catholics. Responsibilities of these actions were publicly executed. Also with her excommunication by Pope, Elizabeth executed more Catholics. Therefore England was a Protestant country again.
Apart from Tudor dynasty, there are two major leaders who lead the way for the reformation; Martin Luther and John Calvin. Luther as a German monk, was the leader of the group named Lutherans. Lutherans nailed a list of 95 Thesis on a church door, by doing so they simply outlined the corruption of the Church. “Indulgences” were the tickets which is sold by Catholic Church to save people those were sinned and about to go hell when they died. Luther also announced that, buying “indulgens” is not the right way to reach salvation. He for this statement excommunicated by the Church. At the end Lutherans completely separated themselves from the Catholicism and they asserted a new theology with their own bible interpretations. John Calvin on the otherhand published “Institutes of the Christian Religion” that contains information about his teachings. He took his way to read scriptures and gained knowledge about God. He also stated that, God had already determined the destiny of all people and alleged that only those who preached will be saved.
To sum up, Reformation in England was mainly a religious movement but its impacts were effected England in the means of political, intellectual, artistic, economic and religious. In terms of religion, it created Protestant churches, some Catholic teachings changed or removed. It shattered the unity in England. Vernacular translation of the Bible had been accomplished so that ordinary people started to gain access the God’s words directly. The greatest political impact of the period might be the Holy Roman Empire’s weakening. Secular rulers’ powers increased, e.g. Henry VIII of England became the head of the Anglican Church, England became a Protestant country and states become more powerful than the Church. In Artistic way, before the reformation art was focused on religious elements, like saints, christ and clergy but after the reformation it started to focus on common people and art started to be more lifelike. Intellectually, educational opportunities increased, individualism thoughts started to spread and people eventually started to think about themselves and secular world.