As servants of the king we are called to be stewards of all he has intrusted to use. In the story the 3 servants were given varying amounts of money and expected to do something with it. When the master returned those who had invested wisely reaped the benefit and the praise of the master. It is interesting the servant who hid the money in the ground didn't spend the money on himself, he didn't waste it; he was punished because he didn't invest it. We are all given something from God, some more or less than others. He expect us to do something with that. Our time, our talent, our resource are all given to use by God. We have received these not so we can used them, consume them, or even save them for a rainy day. We are to be activity investing them and reaping a harvest for the master. This of course should extend to our employment. God has presumably given each of us gifts in management, administration, caring, ministry, etc. These should be used in order to bring Him Glory. What a better witness to then do whatever we do the best we can. By doing well for our employer, hospital or patients, we are bringing glory to God. The same principles of Matthew most certainly apply to all financial dealings: in our own personal life, in private business, or as an employee. It is not good enough to just maintain, and not lose what you have,but resource must be utilized correctly, investment in the made in for the future. And
As servants of the king we are called to be stewards of all he has intrusted to use. In the story the 3 servants were given varying amounts of money and expected to do something with it. When the master returned those who had invested wisely reaped the benefit and the praise of the master. It is interesting the servant who hid the money in the ground didn't spend the money on himself, he didn't waste it; he was punished because he didn't invest it. We are all given something from God, some more or less than others. He expect us to do something with that. Our time, our talent, our resource are all given to use by God. We have received these not so we can used them, consume them, or even save them for a rainy day. We are to be activity investing them and reaping a harvest for the master. This of course should extend to our employment. God has presumably given each of us gifts in management, administration, caring, ministry, etc. These should be used in order to bring Him Glory. What a better witness to then do whatever we do the best we can. By doing well for our employer, hospital or patients, we are bringing glory to God. The same principles of Matthew most certainly apply to all financial dealings: in our own personal life, in private business, or as an employee. It is not good enough to just maintain, and not lose what you have,but resource must be utilized correctly, investment in the made in for the future. And