
St. John Perboyre

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St. John Perboyre
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“Each step brings you closer to heaven.” **********BLANK PAGE******** LETTERS FROM HEAVEN



LAUDEM GLORIAE Authorship Page
“Those who honor Me
I will honor.”

This book is dedicated to
St. John Gabriel Perboyre
a Vincentian missionary priest that was brutally tortured and martyred for his faith in China on September 11, 1840.

He quietly suffered a most cruel martyrdom.
He was beaten and scourged twenty times,
Yet he refused to stomp on a crucifix.
His face was branded with the words,
“Teacher of False Religions”
And he was condemned
To be strangled on a cross.

Although little is remembered of his
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It will speak to you. Things are not as they seem. Man does not understand God. The Holy Spirit reveals the Father’s heart to His children. God is quiet. He is the great thoughtful One. God is love. His love is His being. God is serenity, a moving cloud of refreshment over all the earth. God is just, hating evil. God is eternal, no beginning and no end. God is the source of all. God animates all that is. See God’s perfection in the animals, each one uniquely created. God’s love breaks forth in joyful praise in the touch of a puppy, the glory of an ostrich, the beauty of a peacock, the flight of a bird. He animates their every move. He is their life breath. Since all that exists is mystery and profound creativity, how could you ever expect words to explain My existence? Faith in Me is given to the understanding heart, a soul that realizes that he is created from the dust of the earth. This is the heart of a child, complete abandonment and confidence surrounded by this vast and unexplored universe. He accepts. He believes. He plays in God’s world without expecting answers to theological questions. He has faith in his Father’s love for him and he trusts this gentle Creator of such unlimited …show more content…
It does not shout out its praises. It is little, unknown, hidden, and secret. My greatest works are the most hidden and the most secret from the prying eyes of man who experiments with Me on his terms. I reveal My workings to humble children, trustful souls who follow My leading without needing to know My details. To trust is to refrain from needing to know. It is letting the captain of the boat take care of all the details without incessantly questioning his directives. So few of My children trust me with themselves. They are afraid to hand over their lives to Me. They are afraid I will lead them where they do not want to go. Why would a loving father ever hurt his children? Wouldn’t he urge them on to greater accomplishments? Wouldn’t he help them utilize their inherent gifts to the best of their ability? Wouldn’t he encourage them, support them, sustain them, and always be there for them? I am the Eternal Father, My love infinitely more profound than the love of an earthly father. Why would I hurt My children or lead them on dark, mundane paths? Trust Me, My children. I want the best for you. I created you. I designed your path. I know what will make you happy beyond any happiness you could

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