Edgar Allan Poe, a renowned poet, was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. Both of poe parents had died when he was at a young age. “John and Frances Allan raised him as a foster child in Richmond, Virginia”(poets.org). He was never very wealthy as a child, this was part of the reason he became a poet. “Poe was admitted to the United States Military Academy, but he was again forced to leave for lack of financial support”(poets.org). He like to gamble when he was younger, so when he started owing money from his losses and couldn’t pay them off he had to leave the school . Edgar Allan Poe is an interesting poet and has plenty of things about him to talk about. …show more content…
Repetition is a poetic style that repeats the same word or phrase over and over again to get a point across. In “The Raven” Poe repeats the phrases “and nothing more” and “nevermore”. Poe also uses another writing style known as Gothic. The gothic style is when poets use dark, mysterious, drama to pull a reader into the author’s thoughts and psychological troubles shown through writing. Most authors who use this writing style had a rough childhood with the tragedies that have happened in their past. poets use many different writing styles and many different poetic visions in their work that why there is so much diversity in