He also established full diplomatic relationships with the US. In addition he participated and took place in many subsidiary UN organizations even though Spain was not in the UN itself yet. Even the Pope himself welcomed the Spanish ambassador as an urge to readmit Spain into the “family of nations”. As a part of the diplomatic relationship with the US, the US setup military bases up in Spain for protection this was also considered a move to support the US against the USSR in the cold war. And also the US wanted bases in the Mediterranean next to the strait of Gibraltar. In the end things started to clear up for Spain and Franco and towards the end of his regime he started to ease up on the censorship he had and the propaganda that he was holding in the …show more content…
He avoided a lot of coups by doing this. His advisors were different in different times depending on what was going on around him. For example during World War 2 he kept switching through generals depending on whom he thought was going to win the war. Also he never displayed bias towards anyone other than he thought that that country was going to surpass its rivaling nations. That was why he fought on the German side against the soviets; he did not know which side was going to win but if either won he would be in the safe side. He also, arguably, did this to prevent his generals to get lots of power that they would be able to overthrow