Puerto Rico is an island closer to the Dominican Republic than it is to the U.S mainland. It is about three times the size of Rhode Island, and has almost four million residents.
In July of 1898, near the end of Spanish-American War, U.S. forces invaded Puerto Rico. There was very little resistance by Puerto Rican forces, and only seven American deaths by the end. United States troops took control of the island by mid-August. After the signing of an armistice with Spain, the island was given to the United States on October 18. …show more content…
and Spain met in Paris on October 1, 1898 to make a treaty that would bring an end to the Spanish- American war after six months of fighting. The treaty is called The Treaty Of Paris. In the Treaty, The United States paid Spain 20 million dollars for the Philippines. Puerto Rico and Guam were signed over to America, and Spain also gave up Cuba. In December, The Treaty of Paris was signed, putting an end to the the Spanish-American War, and authorizing the cession of Puerto Rico to the United States.
On April 2, 1900, President William McKinley signed the Foraker Act, which established a civilian government in Puerto Rico. The new government created in Puerto Rico had governor and executive council that were both appointed by the president. It also had a House of Representatives with 35 members (elected by the people of Puerto Rico), as well as a non-voting Resident Commissioner in Congress, and a judicial system with a Supreme Court. The act also put all federal laws of the United States into effect in Puerto