the march began with several dozen followers and ended with tens of thousands of followers. Along the route, Gandhi stopped to address large crowds which is where he picked up most of his followers. When they reached the town on April 5 Gandhi led prayers and spoke to the crowd of tens of thousands and originally had the intention to make salt from the seawater, but British officials crushed the salt deposits in the mud before the crowd arrived. Gandhi still found a small lump of natural salt and held it up defying British law. Thousands more joined in making salt in the towns of Dandi, Bombay, and Karachi and over 60,000 people were arrested, including Gandhi in May of that year. Gandhi was finally released from prison in January 1931 and called off the ‘satyagraha’ in exchange for an equal negotiating role at a London conference on India’s future, which he attended in August of that year as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress. Gandhi had many different methods of protesting the British government’s policies in a non-violent
the march began with several dozen followers and ended with tens of thousands of followers. Along the route, Gandhi stopped to address large crowds which is where he picked up most of his followers. When they reached the town on April 5 Gandhi led prayers and spoke to the crowd of tens of thousands and originally had the intention to make salt from the seawater, but British officials crushed the salt deposits in the mud before the crowd arrived. Gandhi still found a small lump of natural salt and held it up defying British law. Thousands more joined in making salt in the towns of Dandi, Bombay, and Karachi and over 60,000 people were arrested, including Gandhi in May of that year. Gandhi was finally released from prison in January 1931 and called off the ‘satyagraha’ in exchange for an equal negotiating role at a London conference on India’s future, which he attended in August of that year as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress. Gandhi had many different methods of protesting the British government’s policies in a non-violent