Born october 2, 1869 in the present day Indian state of Gujarat. He came from a successful family as his father was chief minister and his mother devoted her time to Vaishnavism (one of the various major branches of hinduism). Gandhi …show more content…
Although it resulted in thousands of Indian supporters being thrown in jail including Gandhi himself, in January of 1931, the government yielded. “Gandhi was released from custody in January 1931 and began negotiations with Lord Irwin aimed at ending the satyagraha campaign. A truce subsequently was declared, which was formalized in the Gandhi-Irwin pact that was signed on March 5” (Pletcher). This was a major victory for Indian independence and Gandhi would not stop until India was a free country. The victory was short lived as “Gandhi returned to India to find himself imprisoned once again in January 1932 during a crackdown by India’s new viceroy, Lord Willingdon”(Bio). Later that year, an imprisoned Gandhi once again showed the impact of non violent protest when he “embarked on a six-day fast to protest the British decision to segregate the ‘untouchables’ those on the lowest rung of India’s caste system, by allotting them separate electorates” (Bio). The public outcry forced the British to amend the proposal In 1934, Gandhi announced his retirement from politics, in order to concentrate his efforts on working within rural communities. This didn't last long as he was quickly Drawn back into the political fray by the outbreak of World War One. Gandhi quickly took control of the INC, and went right back to work demanding a British withdrawal from India in …show more content…
Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse, upset at Gandhi’s tolerance of Muslims, knelt before the Mahatma before pulling out a semiautomatic pistol and shooting him three times at point-blank range” (Bio). The violent act took the life of a pacifist who spent his life preaching nonviolence. All involved in the murder including Godse himself were executed in November 1949. Gandhi's lifestyle and commitment to nonviolence continues to be an inspiration and source of hope for oppressed people around the globe. His mission is continued during present day and the impact he had on India is still felt. Gandhi strived above all for Indian Independence “I did all this in the full belief that acts such as mine must gain my country an equal status in the Empire”(Lerner). Satyagraha remains one of the most prominent philosophies in freedom struggles throughout the world today, and Gandhi’s actions inspired future human rights movements around the globe, including those of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States and Nelson Mandela in South