
How Did Hephaestus Cause Of Fire

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One day, soon after man received fire, there was a large forest fire in Crete that the gods were not pleased with, they went to Hephaestus, god of fire, for an explanation. Hephaestus claimed he didn’t know who started it, as it wasn’t his doing. He then blamed the humans and their ignorance to this newly found tool. Zeus didn’t care, he said that if there were another disruption in the world due to fire he would be severely punished. Hephaestus was mad, he had already been thrown off Olympus for being ugly, now he was yet again blamed for something out of his control. Hephaestus didn’t realize that his anger had vented down to earth, mountains were exploding and pouring out lava, thankfully out of range of causing any harm. He had created the first volcano. Regardless, Zeus was furious, he ordered Hephaestus to clean up the disaster. Hephaestus had no choice but to listen, unless he wanted to face Zeus’s wrath. The fire was almost immediately put out, thanks to help from Poseidon and his flood, and Zeus and his rain. …show more content…

Hephaestus had noticed before any of the other gods and went to tell Zeus in private. Hephaestus wanted Zeus’s permission to punish the humans for misusing their gift. It was granted. Hephaestus then went to Crete to punish the humans with a little trick he learned about a few years back. He made a nearby mountain to erupt with lava. He had created the first volcano mankind knew about, and therefore, became god of volcanoes as well as fire. The humans learned for the first time what fire could do to you if you weren’t careful with it. The lava flowed through city after city, burning them to the

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