
How Did Hitler Cause Ww2

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How Did Hitler Cause Ww2
Many people automatically assume that because Hitler killed so many innocent people and was an awful person in many people’s eyes, that he was the sole cause of World War 2. This paper will be taking a look at all the things that Hitler did to decrease the time it took to start another World War. Hitler’s leadership was very significant in the fact that it increased the rate at which peace collapsed all throughout Europe, empowered German Nationalism and how his actions assisted in the disbandment of the League of Nations in 1946. How did Hitler influence the rate at which peace collapsed. Hitler did a multitude of things that made the international scene of peace and tranquility end quite quickly. He invaded his neighboring territories like …show more content…
The first method that he used to increase the moral of the German people is saying that they were the Aryan race, the supreme race and that all other races did not even come close to how powerful they were. To Hitler and the Nazi party, the supreme race was blond hair blue eyed Nazi Germans and they needed to get rid of all the competition that was in Germany, that meant the Jews. Anti semitism was the second way that Hitler made his way up the German political party board. He used anti semitism combined with the aryan race idea to get rid of Jews first to concentrated portions of apartments then into concentration camps were eventually 6 million Jews would lose their lives to Hitler’s twisted ideologies. The last that Hitler used to make himself more popular among the people of Germany and give Germans even more of a sense of pride was his speaking ability. He went from a tiny, crowded and dimly lit room in the back of an old tavern to speaking to an absurd amount of people and more wanting to see through the windows from outside and through the door and aisle ways that the audience was sitting in because all of the seating beforehand had been taken

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