The fragile state of …show more content…
Accusing an individual for actions of a government or a whole nation is quite common in history but it takes more than one to create a conflict, especially one as big as war. Although Hitler was a very big partaker of the breakout of the Second World War, he was heavily supported by those he managed to persuade (whether it was verbally or physically). If Britain and France had have standed their ground with the required military support, they might have prevented World War Two or even diminished Hitler’s power, and the same goes for how economically damaged Germany was after the Treaty of Versailles had taken it’s toll on it and left the German people barely surviving. If the desperation of the German people could have been somehow minimized, Hitler’s ideas would not have been so greatly supported. If Hitler hadn’t of gained so much power he would not have had the ability to create his own laws, and defy the ruling of the Treaty of Versailles. It was partially Hitler’s fault that World War Two