Isaac Newton was born on December 25th, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, United Kingdom. As a child, Newton was enrolled at the King’s School in Grantham where he was first introduced to the world of chemistry. Still with
his focus on science, in 1661 Isaac Newton had arrived at Trinity College, Cambridge with the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century already in full force. While studying at cambridge, Newton spent his spare time reading work from well known philosophers and kept a set of notes titled “Certain Philosophical Questions” that revealed he had come across a new notion that provided the makeup of the Scientific Revolution. In the 1660’s the black plague hit london spreading rapidly leaving Newton no choice but to flee cambridge and return later in the decade. In 1667 before Newton reached the age of 27, he graduated with a Masters of Arts degree. In 1668, Newton had built a reflecting telescope and the second of his making in in 1671. Several years after that in about 1684 was when Newton had started to make his work and thoughts on gravity known. Newton’s scientific work brought him much fame.