Two women who were immensely involved in the abolitionist movement were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the daughter of a powerful judge in New York City and witnessed in her early the life the repercussions of women having no legal rights. Lucretia Mott was raised in a Quaker Community. In the book “Lucretia Mott. 1793-1880” it is revealed she became passionate about women’s rights when she discovered that male teachers were paid twice as much as female teachers. These two women were invited to an anti-slavery convention in London, England. When they arrived to the convention, they were told they were not allowed to speak, due to the fact that they were women. When the women experienced inequality again, they realized enough was enough, and decided to take a stand for women. (Whittier 5, Day O’Conner …show more content…
The attention had to be shifted to the growing concerns of the war. During the time many women did not take the traditional role and stay at home and wait for their husbands to return from battle. Countless woman took on a huge duty of war, when many women decided to volunteer as nurses. Women who were nurses were subjected to the gruesome realities of war, however this did not halt them from trying to do anything they could to help the soldiers more. Woman were known for trying to go to the front lines to assist a soldier who was injured, risking their own lives to help others. The most famous female nurse of the Civil War is Clara Barton. She was known as the “Angel of the Battlefield,” and she became famous by traveling the country and telling stories of the events she witnessed during the Civil War. Clara Barton was so inspired by her work during the Civil War she would later go on to start the American Red Cross. The role of women during the Civil War would help increase the ideology that women were contributing members of the American Society, and deserved to be granted rights. (; Oates