The queen was very intelligent, her education was good.
While she was young she got all the studies that she wanted. Even so she studied history, math, French, Latin, geography, Greek, astronomy, and Italian. Her favorite subject was history. Elizabeth did not waste time while studying, she also learned different languages such as, Spanish, Welsh, and Flemish. In 1558 Elizabeth had became the queen of the country. As being crowned she stated, “This is the dang of the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Most realized that Queen Elizabeth was very religious, leading to conflict throughout her country. After a fallback, Queen Elizabeth brought England back to prosperity. Her devotion to her country was so strong as she was so loyal, Queen Elizabeth never married. While in her era England defeated Spain. Queen Elizabeth I died on March 24, 1603. She was also known as The Virgin Queen. As she was known to change England forever. Queen Elizabeth I is a hero to many women, so enough she has had Queen Elizabeth II, and Queen Elizabeth III to follow in her